
I am a
journalist. It’s what I do, it’s what I am. Probably the most defining thing of
who you are is what you do. In my case, that has been linked to several things
in the past decade, all converging into journalism. That’s about to change.
difficult to change course. Yet sometimes you feel you have reached a wall and
you need to go the other way. That’s not only how I feel now but also how I’ve
felt for the last couple of years. It is the reason why I am embarking into
this new career as a paramedic.
It’s really
recent in my memory but this August marks the 10th anniversary of
the date I consider my baptism into journalism. Back in 2004, ten years ago,
still in my second year in college, I was fed up with no getting responses from
anyone to work, not even as an intern –apparently...



Hosni Mubarak's lawyer
said today that his client could
be free in less than 48 hours. It would be the last straw, the final step for
a planned return to the old regime in Egypt, one that the coup that was not a
coup started.
Since the Egyptians ousted
the Egyptian president, that revolution has only gotten more and more diluted.
As it has happened in other places, as in Syria, groups as diverse as Islamists
and liberals remained together long enough to carry out their common goal. That
wasn’t going to last long.
Once decapitated the
old regime, each of the groups looked after their own interests. In their search
for power, both



Normally during their second term U.S.
presidents reveal their true ambitions. Without the pressure of having to win a
re-election at the end of the term, they have their hands free to implement all
those unpopular policies that in their first term would have been suicidal but that
are the ones that forge a presidential legacy.
For Obama, it was going to be hard
to accomplish more than in the first four years. Obamacare and the closing
chapter of Osama Bin Laden were a hard act to follow. All this, however, has
gone out of the window. His legacy might be rather murky in the end.
Picture: Obama's twitter
The revelation of secrets...



Who said that Iraq was
pacified? This week, a massive jailbreak in the infamous Abu Ghraib prison has freed
than 500 prisoners, many of them from Al Qaeda in Iraq. The word massive falls
short to describe an operation that dwarfs others attempted by Al Qaeda in
Afghanistan or Iraq.
The confusion in the
Iraqi government has been massive too. They knew that something was coming to get
them. Every year during the Ramadan month, terrorist attacks increase. That
reminds me of the modus operandi of ETA, which used to carry out attacks on
weekends and holidays.
Returning to the
subject, I was saying that the Iraqi government suspected...



The borders of the
Middle East and the Sahara have always been an excellent breeding ground for
smuggling. Dozens of times, crossing from one country to another, I have seen myself
how cigarettes, alcohol or even toilet paper was carried mixed among the luggage
of tourists and backpackers.
Conflicts in the
region have made these borders even more porous. Many people are benefiting
from the lack of control on either side of the border to increase smuggling of
all kinds of goods, objects or even people.
In the Sahara, the
growing influence of al-Qaeda (notable for using the drug trade to finance
itself) has increased smuggling in places...
Are you afraid? Well, this works in that way. First you do what scares you and it's later when you get the courage